Can I send the gift card to the gift receiver in an email?

When you buy the gift card, you will receive an email with the gift card information that you can use to forward to your gift receiver or print out if you wish to do so.

Can a gift card cover the cost of shipping & taxes?

Yes, gift cards apply to the final order total which includes shipping and taxes.

If I purchase a gift card, do I pay shipping & tax?

No, shipping and tax is only applied when redeeming a gift card.

Can a gift card be used more than once?

Yes, a gift card can be used multiple times as long as the gift card still has funds on it.

Why is a credit card required when using a gift card?

When redeeming a gift card on Cratejoy, a credit card is required. The reason why is that with a subscription model, you would likely use the balance of the gift card and then the subscription would renew without any other payment method on file and then fail.

If the purchase can be covered by the full gift card value then the credit card won't be charged. If it cannot, then the credit card is charged for the difference.

Even if a subscription is purchased with a 100% off coupon, a credit card is still required.

Can I use a coupon code to purchase a gift card?

No, not at this time. Coupon codes are not available to use on a gift card.

Can a gift card be used on an existing subscription?

Yes, if you have a gift card and an existing subscription your renewal will use whatever balance is left on your card to pay for the renewal first and will use your credit card second.